My Body as an O
This floor work addresses the structure of language and the conflict of difference embedded in the landscape of everyday speech that defines gender roles. A body is present, yet reveals itself slowly, piece by piece; unfolding like a map or a piece of music in a series of components that form a whole.
As a printmaker, engagement with surface is paramount. Materials interact with concept, surface with depth. These contrasts highlight ongoing tensions that exist between surface and imagery – the gestural mark in dialogue with type, the rounded defensive form presented on a structured grid, the lightness of paper mounted on rigid, shiny metal plates, and the energetic impressions made with red ink resisting concealment by a heavy layer of black.
The conversation provides no answers yet allows the subject to be heard. The semiotics of her voice is listened to, considered, remembered.
MEDIA: Copper Sulphate etching on pianola paper, mounted on aluminum plates backed with wooden blocks.
EDITION: One only
DIMENSIONS: 100mm(h) x 1400mm(l) x 1200mm(w)